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GraphQL ClientWorkshops

Workshop: Efficient Cross-Platform GraphQL and State Management with React Native

Thursday, September 12 / 09:00a.m. PDT - 10:30a.m. PDT
Yassin Eldeeb Profile Image
Yassin EldeebThe Guild, Sr. DevTools Engineer

In this hands-on workshop, we’ll explore building cross-platform applications with GraphQL and React Native. Learn how to create an efficient data management setup that works seamlessly across Windows, iOS, Android, and web platforms. Key takeaways include: - Setting up a GraphQL client in React Native - Managing local and remote state by combining Easy Peasy and React Query - Leveraging offline support, caching, and background fetching - Optimizing performance for mobile applications By the end, you’ll understand how to harness GraphQL to build robust and user-friendly cross-platform apps that are easy to develop and maintain.